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- Happy New Year!
DM me to learn how detox, diet and lifestyle changes can help you reach your wellness goals in 2025! #holistichealing #youcanheal #youneedtodetox #eatclean #liveclean #crunchymama #holisticnutritionist
- Infrared saunas are a great compliment to your detox!
My client kicked her detox up a notch and invested in Therasage's portable infrared sauna! Saunas are a great way to eliminate toxins and infrared saunas are superior. Infrared wavelengths have the ability to heat muscles, tissues and organs without heating the surrounding air. This stimulates organs and tissues to push toxins to the bloodstream where they can be perspired out. Other benefits include 👉 Improved metabolism & promotes weight loss 👉 Stress reduction 👉 Kills pathogenic organisms 👉 Boosts immune system 👉 Improves physical endurance 👉 Increases human growth hormone up to 5xs If you don't have access to an infrared sauna at a local gym or spa, invest in your own - they are cheaper than you think! Use code HOLIDAYS2024 to save 20% at Therasage . 🙌 #saunadetox #saunabenefits #infraredsauna #infrared #infraredsaunatherapy #infraredtherapy #detoxyourbody
- Why heavy metals should be detoxed after parasites
Heavy metals like aluminum and mercury should be detoxed after parasite cleansing for a couple of reasons. #1 - Heavy metals suppress your immune system and keep you from fighting infections (like parasites). #2 - Parasites are also attracted to heavy metals, and metals create an environment for parasites to thrive. A great analogy is to think of an industrial plant that keeps dumping toxins into a stream. You may take great efforts to clean the stream (aka parasite cleansing) until you have a healthy population of fish and algae and so on, and a month or two down the line, everything is dead again because the plant continues to dump toxic gunk. You have to stop the dumping of toxic heavy metals that suppress your immune system and foster disease. That's done through periodic detox, and eliminating common sources of heavy metal toxicity from your everyday life. Click here to get the best heavy metal detox spray.💪 #drainagepathways #detoxpathways #detoxpathway #detoxparasites #antiparasitic #detoxsystem #naturalparasitecleanse #heavymetaldetoxcleanse #reversechronicdisease #healyourbody #cleanseyourbody #detoxyourbodynaturally #cellcorebiosciences #cellcore #cellcorecleanse #humicfulvicacid #carbontechnology #aluminumtoxicity #bloodbrainbarrier #aluminumfree
- Pork parasites under the microscope
Warning pork lovers - you may want to give it up after watching this! 😱 @mrsrogers.hood does the BEST experiments. Parasites don't just live in pork tissues, they can thrive in human organs and tissue too! 🤢 If you want to learn more about parasite cleansing, click here . Tag someone who would freak out about this! 🧠✨ #WeirdScience #Parasites #FunFacts #porkparasites #porklovers #porktapeworm
- Unusual symptoms of parasitic infection... how many do you have?! 😱
Most people associate parasitic infection with symptoms like weight loss, always feeling hungry & experiencing nutrition deficiencies. These are some common symptoms of parasitic infection that you may be unfamiliar with... Cracked heels Eye floaters Constipation, diarrhea or alternating between the two Vertical wrinkles around mouth Fingernail biting Dry lips Parallel lines in soles of feet Excess boogers/scab-like boogers Anemia Allergies/food sensitivities Bed wetting Anxiety & depression Asthma Night sweats Sexual dysfunction Numbness/tingling in hands & feet Sugar cravings If you want to learn more about parasite cleansing, click here . #parasites #parasitecleanse #parasitedetox #crackedheels #fullmooncleanse #fullmoondetox #tapeworms #eyefloaters #parasiteprevention #parasiterelief #fingernailbiting #parasiteawareness #parasitecleansediet #whipworm #parasiteremedies #sugarcravings #constipationrelief #liverfluke #diarrhearelief #roundworm #ascaris #sexualdysfunction #strongyloides #insomniarelief #hookworm #nightsweats #antiparisiticdiet #anemia #bedwetting #boogers
- Top wellness gifts that your holistic family & friends will love!
I would be super pumped to get any of these in my stocking! If you're still shopping or looking to add to your Christmas wish list, check these out! Many are under $50!🤩 Clean home: Organic sheets Organic candles Air Purifying House Plants EMF Protection for Wireless Network Routers/Smart Meter (20% off with code HOLIDAYS2024) Clean Daily Routine: Organic yoga pants Organic Bath Bombs Castor Oil Pack Grounding mat Organic Lipstick Organic Mascara Purity Woods Dream Cream (aka Natural Botox) (15% off with WrinkleFree) Food: What the Heck do I Eat by Dr. Mark Hyman Clean Nutrition: CBD Gummies Kombucha brewing kit Organic, plant-based protein powder Organic protein with super greens Clean Kitchen: Glass Water Bottles Glass Tea Infuser Pour Over Coffee Maker Check out my entire Christmas list on Amazon or TikTok shop !!
- CellCore price increase Jan. 6th
📣📣 CellCore price increase alert 📣📣 If you've been putting off detox or need to reorder, now's the time! CellCore will be increasing their prices effective January 6th. 😱 The increase will vary by product, but will be about 3.5% on average. Here are some of the most popular protocols & products: ⭐️ Para Kit 👉 parasite cleanse ⭐️ Energy & Drainage Protocol 👉 opens drainage pathways & provides energy ⭐️ Metabolic Support Kit 👉 improves blood sugar & metabolism ⭐️ Stomach Support Kit 👉 improves H Pylori & other stomach issues ⭐️ MYC & Advanced MYC 👉 mold (mycotoxins) detox ⭐️ Energy Boost Kit 👉 boosts energy & mental clarity ⭐️ Detox Support Kit 👉 removes heavy metals ⭐️ Liver Support Kit 👉 detox body’s drainage pathways ⭐️ Intestinal Permeability Kit 👉 helps heal leaky gut ⭐️ Rad Kit 👉 helps detox radioactive elements ⭐️ Ct-Biotic (probiotic) ⭐️ CT-Zyme (digestive enzymes) ⭐️ GCO for blood sugar balance ⭐️ S-TRO for hormone balance ⭐️ Bowel Mover to promote bowel movements Don't know what to get? Shoot me a DM! To create an account, register at www.cellcore.com with practitioner code 1WB98bYU. #detoxyourbody #detoxparasites #parasitedetox #parasitecleanse #candidacleanse #livercleanse #thyroidsupport #bloodsugarsupport #radioactiveelements #digestiveenzymes #organicprobiotics
- Use leftover FSA dollars on vitamins/supplements!
Did you know most flexible spending accounts (FSA's) allow you to purchase vitamins & supplements? Your FSA funds may not roll into next year, so use them while you can! Before you order, make sure your plan provider covers supplements. Click here to sign up in my FullScript portal to check out some of my fave brands, supplement protocols & be sure to DM me to add a 20% off promo code to your account. 🙌 #FSA #flexiblespendingaccount #HSA #cleansupplements #cleanvitamins #bestsupplements #bestvitamins 9m
- Feel off around Sunday's full moon? Here's why!
Anyone get their booty's kicked from Sunday's full moon?! If you noticed that you were feeling more depressed, anxious, fatigued, had increased sugar cravings, insomnia or digestive issues you could be struggling from parasites. What's the parasite/full moon connection? Your body’s circadian rhythm responds to the moon’s cycle, and parasites' activity and reproduction coincide with your circadian rhythm. We produce less melatonin around the full moon which impacts sleep and immunity, making our immune system more vulnerable to parasitic infection. We produce more serotonin around the full moon, which is our feel good neurotransmitter. Parasites love serotonin because it enables their mobility, reproduction, communication, feeding & creation of biofilms which allows them to hide from the immune system. The combination of less melatonin and more serotonin creates the perfect storm for parasites to become more active and cause more damage, which is why parasitic symptoms tend to increase around this time every month. Some folks notice an increase in symptoms in the new moon. The new moon occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the sun, with the side facing Earth receiving no direct sunlight. This makes the moon appear dark from Earth's perspective, and it's not visible in the night sky. The next new moon will occur December 30th so let me know if you notice symptoms around the full moon, the new moon or both! Click here to learn more about parasite cleansing. #parasites #parasitecleanse #parasitedetox #seratonin #fullmooncleanse #newmoonsymptoms #newmoonproblems #fullmoonproblems #fullmoondetox #tapeworms #reducebloating #parasiteprevention #parasiterelief #guthealthchangeseverything #parasiteawareness #parasitecleansediet
- Root causes of chronic disease
Chronic disease stems from toxins, pathogens, trauma/stress and certain deficiencies. Once these are addressed, people can heal. If you want to learn more about how to reverse chronic disease through detox, diet and lifestyle changes, shoot me a DM! #drainagepathways #detoxyourbody #healyourbodynaturally #reversechronicdisease #healyourguthealyourlife #cellcore #healLyme #detoxpathogens #detoxparasites #parasitecleanse #holistichealing #naturalhealing
- Tiffany Haddish on parasites and sugar cravings
Have a sweet tooth? 🍪🍬🍭 It could be linked to parasitic infection. Tiffany Haddish gets it! Here's how this happens: 👉 Parasites cannot survive without a steady supply of sugar, which triggers cravings for sugar and carbs in the host. 👉 Parasites steal your nutrients causing you to overeat. 👉 Parasites hijack our serotonin, our "feel good" neurotransmitter that's also responsible for controlling our appetite. 👉 Parasites can cause constipation - they release neurotoxins to slow down your bowels so they don't get pushed out. They can also physically block the bile duct and intestinal tract. Some people can have up to 30 pounds of waste in their colon 🤢! 👉 Parasites can induce METABOLIC SYNDROME (particularly obesity & insulin resistance). 👉 Parasites cause inflammation & bloating through IBS, migration into joints/muscles, activation of allergies and their waste products that are taken up into your bloodstream. Parasite cleansing helps stabilize your blood sugar so you are able to make healthier food choices. Since taste buds only live 10-21 days many people find sugar cravings dissipate after parasite cleansing. Click https://www.shelleybholisticnutrition.com/parasitecleanseinfo to learn more about parasite cleansing! #parasites #parasitecleanse #parasitedetox #seratonin #fullmooncleanse #fullmoondetox #tapeworms #pinworms #mimosapudicaseed #bloodsugardiet #bloodsugarcontrol #parasiteawareness #parasitecleansediet #whipworm #reversediabetes #sugarcravings #gutdetox #liverfluke #candidacleanse #roundworm #ascaris #lymediseaseawareness #strongyloides #bloodsugarregulation #hookworm #sweettoothcravings #antiparisiticdiet #sugarfreelivin #seratoninboost #flatworms