One of the most common metals I see in lab results is for aluminum toxicity. Aluminum crosses the blood brain barrier and is directly linked to neurotoxicity, childhood development delays, autism, cancer, thyroid issues, allergies, mood disorders, increased risk of cardiovascular disease & reduced intestinal activity to name a few.
These are some common sources of aluminum toxicity: -Aluminum cookware -Deodorant -Antacids -Jabs -Tap water -Shellfish -Processed cheese -Aluminum cans -Tin foil -Dental crowns, fillings & inlays
We try to avoid all of the above and take binders regularly that pull metals out of the body.
Many of my clients tested negative for metals in their blood but received very different results with their hair test. This is because metals manifest in your tissues, making hair tissue mineral analysis a much more reliable method for heavy metal testing.
If you're wondering what your aluminum levels might be, message me for a hair test. If you want a great heavy metal detox spray, check this out.

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