Don't shortchange yourself parasite cleansing by buying a little tincture off the internet just because it's cheaper. You need a comprehensive protocol - here's why:
Most parasite protocols don't work all throughout the body, they just work in the gut. Since parasites can manifest all throughout the body, this poses a problem.
Most protocols don’t address every type of parasite (roundworms, flatworms, microscopic parasites, candida, viruses, unhealthy bacteria).
Most protocols don’t address every stage of the parasite life cycle - adult worms, larva, eggs, biofilm.
Most protocols don’t come with a binder specific to parasite die-off byproducts. Be sure to watch my vid on the downfalls of the most common binders out there.
Most protocols don't provide dosing options. More sensitive folks need to go slow & steady with their dosing, but other folks that are generally healthy may need to dose higher to achieve the desired results.
I use CellCore's Para Kit because it checks all those boxes. Click here to learn more about parasite cleansing.
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