Hot flashes?! Here's one protocol your doc didn't tell you about - parasite cleansing!
Check out these results from my client. She's mid 40's and has been struggling with hot flashes and night sweats. She's almost finished with her first Para Kit and already seeing big gains - she's going to do one more round to knock these symptoms out.
Many people parasite cleanse because they're hoping to curb sugar cravings, lose weight, have more energy, improve sleep, help reverse chronic disease... or maybe because they're just really intrigued. But there can be so many other benefits and oftentimes people reap benefits that weren't even on their radar.
Many of my clients have reported noticeable improvements post parasite cleanse with the following (and this is a short list)...
Skin fungus
Nail ridges & spots
Bad breath
Clearer eyes
Cracking joints
Less boogers
Quit fingernail biting or messing with their fingers
Menstrual symptoms
Drooling while asleep
Sometimes these critters are impacting you more than you know. Click here to learn more about parasite cleansing.

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