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Heavy Metals: Why Carbon Bonding, Dosing, Oxidation State, pH, and Sourcing Matter


Heavy metals have been a popular topic in the natural health world, from heavy metals in food to water to supplements. With Prop 65 stickers popping up everywhere, naturally questions about heavy metals are increasing. 

There may be concerns and confusion with heavy metal toxicity, especially while undergoing a detox protocol.  Here's what you need to know to feel comfortable that the products are safe and effective, especially for detox. 

Overexposure to heavy metals can cause stress in the human body and lead to serious health symptoms. However, the blanket negative connotation of heavy metals doesn’t consider other factors, such as carbon bonding, dosing, oxidation state, ph, and sourcing.  

The Fear Surrounding Heavy Metals

Most people are scared of heavy metals and, for the sake of their health, try to avoid any heavy metal exposure. The fear of heavy metals relies on the presumption that anything deemed a heavy metal is harmful to the body. 

In actuality, the human body needs certain heavy metals in different ratios and forms to function. Metals — such as iron and zinc — in small concentrations are needed for overall health. Any metal is a mineral and vice versa, and the body needs essential bioavailable minerals to maintain health. (12)

When people consume a plant-based, organically bound heavy metal that has gone through a specific microbial process, it’s not toxic. (34

The body’s terrain, how it processes a metal or mineral, and whether the minerals and metals exist as inorganic or organic compounds have a considerable impact on how the metal will affect the body.

Types and Classification of Heavy Metals

There are different types of metals with different forms, usually inorganic or organic, and essential or nonessential. However, the definition of these terms isn’t straightforward. Organic and essential does not necessarily mean “safe,” nor does inorganic and nonessential mean “unsafe.” There’s more to unpack when it comes to looking at a metal’s toxicity. (51)

Heavy metals are deemed dangerous because they become ions and actively try to steal electrons from wherever they can. (12)

A change in oxidation state makes a metal safe or more dangerous for the body. Therefore, the oxidation state dictates whether it's non-toxic or toxic. (1)

For instance, eating iron in spinach is safe because it is a covalent bond that’s bound to a carbon. However, eating shavings off an iron pipe is not safe at all because these are free ions that are not connected to anything. If a metal is not interacting with carbons and hydrogens, it is inorganic. Heavy metals not transformed by microbial processes are called “free-form” heavy metals. (6)

As you can see, the classification of heavy metals is more complex with different variables associated with chemical reactions. Each oxidation state has a different vibrational frequency. As it gains more electrons, the vibrations are altered and the voltage shifts. This gaining of electrons, or the redox process, is detrimental because it causes the metal to become more oxidative. This is how free radicals are created. ( 278)

Guidelines and Standards for Heavy Metals 

Anything grown from the earth is going to contain some level of heavy metals. Therefore, all herbs, fruits, and vegetables by their very nature contain some form of heavy metals. Because of this, there are different heavy metal standards for all food, supplements, and water. (9)

In fact, food and water are the highest sources of heavy metals. For food, the FDA has set an IRL, or interim reference level, for lead at <12.5 mcg per day (<0.0125 mg/d) for adults. The FDA also has an enforced standard for water specifically because people consume much more water than food or even supplement capsules. In consulting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the standards for bottled water are set for different chemicals and metals, with the amount of lead set at 0.005 mg/l. (10111213)

When it comes to supplements, the FDA has stated that every company must establish its own guidelines to “ensure the quality of the dietary supplement.” NSF International (founded as the National Sanitation Foundation) publishes more-popular, global guidelines for food and supplement companies, and is far more stringent than the FDA. For instance, the NSF guideline for lead is <10mcg per day (<0.01mg/d) for adults. Not every supplement company follows the NSF, however. (1415)

The most common mistake that people make is testing supplements against water standards, which are different from supplement standards. Again, mathematical conversion and the dosing must be considered, such as converting PPM (parts per million) to PPB (parts per billion). One PPM equals one mg/kg, and one PPB is one mcg/kg. That will drastically affect the amount of dosing if the conversion is not looked at accordingly. 

Factors to Consider for Heavy Metal Toxicity

When it comes to heavy metals in a supplement, a complex number of factors determines whether a heavy metal is toxic. 

Source of the heavy metal

Food and supplement sources that have gone through the microbial process are going to be different from free-floating heavy metals in the water supply. So, when looking at heavy metals, consider its source before concluding if it’s toxic. 

Essentially, a plant absorbs inorganic heavy metals and minerals from the soil. These heavy metals are soluble, can be utilized in the body, and can help provide core molecules to create structures in the body. Proteins can fold around them properly to create the mechanisms for the body to function optimally. (3)

It all boils down to energy. Plants can alter the state of metals or pollutants because metals are everywhere in the soil. Plants can absorb metals through the roots from the soil and change what metals are actually bioavailable. (31617)

A similar process occurs when plants or animals decay. This produces fulvic and humic acids in the soil. These heavy metals are safe and non-toxic to humans when they have gone through this process, which gives them balance and safety. (1819)

Oxidation state of the heavy metal

Heavy metals are considered dangerous depending on the free radicals they can create and their oxidative state. Oxidation states reflect energy states, and energy is a function of the movement of charged particles. (12)

Remember, oxidation state is the number of electrons that can be donated at any given time. The state, or energy level, determines whether a metal can be potentially dangerous. Oxidation state indicates whether a metal is reactive and creates reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body. Therefore, it’s important to look at the oxidative state of a metal and see if it is attached to anything, because if it’s not, it’s free-floating and toxic. (12)

Carbon molecule bonding 

A metal ion bound to carbon creates a strong covalent bond, making it harder to separate it into a dangerous free ion. When a plant-derived heavy metal is attached to a carbon molecule, the metal is organic, essential, and non-toxic for the body to process. (20)

A carbon molecule bonding is much more stable and safe than an ionic bond because of its multiple binding sites and charges. (21, 2223)

pH of the heavy metal

In a study on pH and toxicity done on fish, the test fish tolerated metals much better at lower pH values than at higher ones. As the pH went from basic to acidic, the fish were able to deal with and process metals better. (4)

Metals are more or less reactive depending on the pH of their environment. The body may tolerate a metal better at a lower pH than it can at a higher pH. Lower pH may help you metabolize heavy metals, and can sometimes alter the oxidation state.  A lower pH means more energy available, making elements and metals more bioavailable. (4)

Microbes are also good at cleaning up bacteria and fungi, and can help the body metabolize metals, so it’s important for you to have a healthy microbiome. Microbes have various properties that can affect toxicity and mobility because they can change the oxidation state of metals. (2425)

Why the Body Needs the Right Forms of Heavy Metals

The right forms of heavy metals help support the body. Because metals are critical for vital body functions, the correct distribution of these metals within cells, organs, and tissues must be regularly maintained. Again, it’s not only deficiency or overload of these metals that cause health symptoms, but rather the nuances of how these metals are formed and structured. You can get these essential metals and minerals from your food and supplements. (2627)

When it comes to the lesser-known metals that have often been seen as harmful, make sure to consider the form of the metal. Check to see how reactive the metals are, how the metals bond to a carbon with covalent bonds, if the pH is low, and if it is plant-based. 

Essential Metals for the Body

Calcium (28)

  • Activates enzymes throughout the body

  • Allows nerves to send messages

  • Assists in blood clotting

  • Builds teeth and bones

  • Helps regulate blood pressure

  • Promotes muscle contractions

Cobalt (2930)

  • Helps make red blood cells

  • Maintains the nervous system

  • Works as an essential component of vitamin B12 production

Copper (31)

  • Assists with metabolizing fuel

  • Cleans up free radicals

  • Helps make red blood cells

  • Regulates neurotransmitters

Iron (32)

  • Activates certain enzymes

  • Helps make hemoglobin and myoglobin

  • Makes amino acids, collagen, hormones, and neurotransmitters

Manganese (33)

  • Helps form bones

  • Helps metabolize amino acids, carbohydrates, and cholesterol

Nickel (34)

  • Breaks down urea to prevent urea toxicity 

  • Enhances the activity of hormones

  • Metabolizes lipids 

  • Prevents iron deficiency

Potassium (35)

  • Balances fluids in the body

  • Helps to maintain a steady heartbeat 

  • Makes muscles contract

  • May benefit bones and blood pressure

Sodium (36)

  • Balances fluids in the body

  • Helps send nerve impulses

  • Helps make muscles contract

Zinc (37)

  • Bolsters the immune system

  • Helps blood clot

  • Helps make proteins and DNA

  • Helps wound healing and cell division

Dosing Makes a Difference

As with anything in life, moderation is key. When it comes to figuring out the dosing, it’s all about balance and regulation. That’s why at CellCore, we always recommend dosing slow and low and adjusting from there. Work with your practitioner to see when to push and when to back off, especially when it comes to detoxing.

The dose is always an important indicator if a heavy metal is dangerous or not. When dosing, remember to do the calculations and mathematical conversions, so you can feel empowered that you are taking products for the restoration not the detriment of their health. 

When you see a heavy metal on a label (likely Prop 65), or a report on heavy metals in a product, remember what these different measurements look like and the standards that must be met for safe and effective products.

Panic over Prop 65

Passed in 1986, Proposition 65 requires businesses to inform Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause birth defects, cancer, or other reproductive harm. This proposition was pushed largely as a measure to rein in industrial pollution of drinking water, but it has now been used as private litigation to hunt down and sue companies whose products are “suspected” of containing chemicals. Therefore, many companies have put this label on everything, regardless of the product, which has made it meaningless. (38)

This mass labeling has caused an uptick of toxicity concerns. However, this label can be misleading. The only thing that Prop 65 shows is that a toxic heavy metal was present. The mass spectrometry test that is used doesn’t take into account the state of the metal or how the body will process it. Nor does it ask the question, “Is this a plant-derived metal bound to a carbon?”

With this in mind, if you see this label in or outside of California, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the product itself is unsafe. 

Safety of CellCore Supplements

No CellCrore products are harmful. As a supplement company, CellCore screens all its ingredients and blends for heavy metals to ensure that they meet strict specifications for safety and quality. 

Besides receiving the certificate of analysis (COA) from the ingredient source, we do a minimum of two tests for heavy metals:

  • Test for the raw ingredient state

  • Test after the raw ingredients are encapsulated

CellCore follows NSF guidelines, as well as conducts third-party lab tests to check the toxicity levels of the raw materials. This is all done precisely to ensure that everything brought to market is of high quality and extremely safe.

Carbon Technology

All CellCore binders and many additional products contain Carbon Technology. Carbon Technology contains specialized extracts of humic and fulvic acids and naturally contains heavy metals. Because it is a binding agent with multiple coordination bonds that bind metal ions with multiple binding sites, it works for you rather than against you. (3940)

When binding happens in this way, the covalent bonds are much stronger and more stable than ionic bonds, and therefore much safer. If there is overwhelming heavy metal exposure in the body, the binding sites that surround the metals in Carbon Technology will make them non-available. (4142)

Because humic and fulvic acid contain heavy metals, it’s easy for you to wonder if it is toxic. Research refutes this. A 60-day subchronic study was conducted to see whether fulvic acid is toxic to consume. This toxicological assessment showed that no mortality or toxic effect was observed following the oral administration of 5,000 mg/kg to bodyweight/day to mice or rats. (43)

To give more perspective, for a 165 lb human, that would be 375 grams per day (375,000 mg). Dosing wise, this would be equivalent to taking five bottles of CellCore’s HM-ET Binder every day for 60 days with no toxic effects. 

Of course, each body is unique. Just because someone is taking binders does not mean they will bind every time. Even though Carbon Technology provides nutrients, everyone reacts differently depending on the binder and the dose. 


CT-Minerals has minerals and metals. Our cells need charged gradients to draw proteins, structure water, and complete other actions in the cell. CT-Minerals has metals in it, but the Carbon Technology protects those metals, changes the oxidation states, and delivers them where they need to be. The minerals are activated and the electrolytes create a charged gradient, like a magnet. (44)

As a product, CT-Minerals conducts electricity because it is a polyelectrolyte solution with plenty of ions available. Plus the metals and minerals in the supplement are good conductors of electricity. If humans aren’t conducting electricity, the body does not function as it should. That’s why it’s essential to boost energy levels by conducting electricity and supplying minerals and metals that move those electrons. (45)

Some benefits of CT-Minerals may include:

  • Providing energy (polyelectrolytes)

  • Regulating nerve function 

  • Replenishing pH balance

  • Supplying minerals to cells when needed

  • Supporting cellular and tissue repair

Metals can be used to create new bonds. In fact, certain metals can help restore body tissue. Metals are fundamental to creating carbon-carbon bonds, which take a lot of energy and are more stable and less reactive. If the proteins are not able to form new cellular membranes, it’s because of the body’s inability to create new carbon bonds. That’s why people need essential minerals and metals, because certain metals can build new tissue (4647)

CellCore Bioscience’s Promise 

Heavy metals exist for a reason. Some pose a risk, whereas others don’t. The body needs the periodic table of elements in the right forms and the right amounts. Stating that all heavy metals are bad is erroneous because multiple factors are involved in that determination:

  • What is the source of the heavy metal?

  • What is the oxidation state?

  • Is it bound to a carbon?

  • What is the pH of the heavy metal?

Because a majority of CellCore’s products promote drainage, detoxification, and supporting the body at the cellular level, we make it our mission to provide only products that give you what you need on your health journey. Toxicity is never an option because we don’t stand for it. 

Our promise as a company is to continue to provide products that support the body’s natural ability to detox, along with education, clinical experience, and research to support your efforts to have healthy, well-functioning bodies.


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