Pools and water parks aren't typically the first thing you think of when it comes to sources of parasitic infection. Most people are surprised to learn that chlorine doesn't kill all parasites!
Cryptosporidium is commonly found in chlorinated water. It causes watery diarrhea and other digestive upset. It's protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body for long periods and makes it very tolerant to chlorine disinfection. It comes from drinking and recreational water and it's transmissible so it can be passed on to others. This parasitic infection can last up to two weeks!
If you find yourself sick after spending time in recreational water, you may want to consider cryptosporidium as a root cause.
If you want to learn more about parasite cleansing, click https://www.shelleybholisticnutrition.com/parasitecleanseinfo.

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