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Roundworm Types & Symptoms

Roundworms are parasitic worms that can infect the intestines, liver, lungs, skin, tissues and muscles. Some infections occur when larva penetrate the skin and others occur when we come into contact with microscopic eggs.

Here are some common types of roundworms along with the symptoms the tend to generate:

- Hookworms infect the gut and cause anemia, blood loss, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and rashes on skin where larvae penetrate.

- Ascaris is a common intestinal roundworm that causes abdominal discomfort/belly pain. More severe infections can block the intestines & bile ducts and even slow growth in children. Other symptoms can include cough & pulmonary infections due to migration of the worms through the body.

- Pinworm infect the colon & female reproductive organs, cause anal itching and can also be found in the sinuses.

- Strongyloides infect the gut and each new batch of larvae can reinfect.

Trichinella can cause stomach upset, can infect muscles, cause muscle pain, fever, face swelling, pink eye and rashes.

- Whipworms can cause painful, bloody diarrhea & mucus, water and blood in stool and rectal prolapse (when part or all of the rectum slides out of place).

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