These are some of the easiest, most effective (and most underutilized) things you can do for your health that can make a huge impact... & many of them are FREE.
-Eat organic
-Intermittent fasting
-Avoid microwaves
-Avoid plastic water bottles (and plastics in general)
-Walk barefoot outdoors
-Get sunshine without sunscreen (at least 15 minutes)
-Use filtered water
-Inversion (hanging upside down)
-Avoid negative thinking
-Watch the sunrise & sunset
-Minimize EMF radiation
-Use infrared saunas
-Take cold showers
How many of these do you do currently? Let me know!
#reversechronicdisease #healyourbodynaturally #healyourbodywithfood #emfexposure #noplasticwaterbottles #positivethinkingalways #coldshowersneeded #infraredsaunas #waterfiltersystem #eatorganicfoods #groundingtips #earthingeveryday #walkingbarefoot #watchsunrise #watchsunsets #inversiontable #hangupsidedown #intermittentfastinglifestyle #microwavefree #nomicrowave #saynotoplastic #prayerandmeditation #sunshinevibes #infraredsaunabenefits