By Dr. Todd Watts and Dr. Jay Davidson
There are few things that can make you more miserable than allergies. Whether you suffer from food, seasonal or environmental allergies, they end up controlling your life.
They can shrink your world as you try and protect yourself from allergic reactions. No matter what you’ve done in the past they end up calling the shots:
They control how much time you spend outdoors, if any
They decide where you go to eat, if you’re able to eat out at all
They zap your energy making you lethargic and depressed
They generate brain fog and headaches
They decide whether you get a pet or not
They control where you vacation, or who you can visit
They might keep you chained to the washroom with digestive issues
They, they, they... It’s time to get back to you, you, YOU! Break the hold allergies have on you!
Are you sick of asking yourself “how do I make my allergies go away?” The answer is by getting to the true source. Take care of the source and you take care of your allergies, opening up the world that you previously guarded yourself against.
Allergies are becoming more and more widespread. You might think there is nothing you can do besides taking medication. This isn’t true. You can get your life back by getting rid of what's really causing your body to react.
Let’s deconstruct what causes allergies so you can RECONSTRUCT your life!
What Causes Allergies?
Your problem isn’t your brother's dog. It’s not your neighbor’s cat. It’s not the trees that innocently let out their leaves every spring. Those are when your problems are most evident. But they are not the problem.
Allergies are a sign that your body is overburdened with:
Think of your body like all the water pipes in a house. If all sinks, toilets, and tubs drain well and nothing is clogging them, you have no plumbing issues. Nothing verflows, everything is good.
Even if there is extra water being used, as long as there is nothing stopping up the drain, things are fine. It’s when the drains are stopped up with parasites, for example, toilets overflow. It’s this overflow that results in your immune system not being able to tolerate normal everyday foods. Or things in your environment like plants and animals.
Can Parasites Cause Allergies?
The more scientists dive into the mechanisms of your body, the more intriguing things they discover. Molecules can mimic one another and create the same issues even if the REAL threat isn’t present.
Your immune system has what’s called the IgE pathway. It basically signals “soldiers” in your blood to get ready to fight off what it feels is a dangerous substance or pathogen. It kicks into motion an immune response that involves things like inflammation or watery eyes.
Your immune system also creates antibodies. This is how your immune system “remembers” that specific invader. It’s like taking a mugshot of the pathogen. That way if it shows up again, it can attack and annihilate it even sooner. But it’s not exactly a picture. It remembers a specific sequence of proteins that made up that intruder.
But that’s what gets you into trouble.
When parasites enter your body, your immune system takes that “mug shot” by creating antibodies to the parasite’s protein signature. Your immune system knows it shouldn’t be there.
Unfortunately, there are some plants and other substances that have almost the exact same molecular structure. (1) While your body is battling the parasite, the other harmless substance that looks like proteins in the parasite can be perceived as a threat. So pollen might take you out, but it’s really the parasites making your body oversensitive.
But the reactions that this can create don’t stop there. Parasites could be the underlying cause for other issues you might not even relate with allergies like:
Eczema and dermatitis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Behavioral issues like ADD and ADHD
Ear infections
Mouth sores
Joint pain
Chronic sinus or bronchial infections (2)
Parasites create inflammation in your gut and start to degrade your gut wall. This starts to increase the burden of toxins that your body is trying to clear out. The combination of parasites and the toxins they spew out into your body starts to overwhelm your immune system to create a cascade of symptoms, not just one. Your detox pathways get backed up and overflow.
Overflow = Allergic Reactions
In addition to the havoc the parasites themselves create in your body, they harbor other inflammation driving organisms as well -- viruses and bacteria.
Do Viruses and Bacteria Cause Allergies?
If you suffer from asthma, you might think your asthma is making you more susceptible to catching different viruses.
What if a virus is what triggered you to have asthma?
Viruses can influence your lungs and bronchial tissues. They change your genetic expression in these areas and contribute to your development of asthma. Respiratory viruses trigger 85% of cases of asthma in school-age children and adults. (3) When asthmatics were measured for viral load, they had a much higher level of viruses than people who didn't develop asthma.
These respiratory viruses also change your gene expression when it comes to allergies. They make you more sensitive to your environment.
Viruses And Celiac Disease
Scientists are starting to suspect that some cases of celiac disease are actually viruses disturbing your microbiome. This could be due to the molecular mimicry, similar to the parasites and foods we mentioned. These viruses have the same “signature proteins” as gluten and give you an allergy to it. (4)
Lyme And Allergies
Lyme disease is a devastating bacteria that can make you chronically ill. But it can also trigger allergies. The Lyme bacteria itself can overload your system with inflammation. Your body fights this which leads you to joint and muscular pain. The effect that Lyme can have on you doesn’t stay in your joints and muscles.
One of the types of “soldiers” your immune system recruits to fight Lyme is your mast cells.
Mast cells are everywhere in your body. But they are particularly concentrated in the linings of your intestines and airways. There’s a reason for this: they are your first responders as foreign material comes into your body. Whether in the food you eat or the air you breathe, the mast cells say its good or its bad.
When your mast cells get triggered to respond, they flood your body with histamine and other pro-inflammatory substances. Lyme disease can directly activate your mast cells. (5) So you can feel like you're having an allergic reaction, but it’s really your immune system fighting the Lyme. You may be reacting to certain foods for example because your mast cells can’t handle the additional stimuli. But the root cause of your food sensitivities would actually be Lyme.
That being said, sometimes Lyme can give you a severe allergy to red meat. This particular type of Lyme infection activates a massive amount of antibodies to be produced against red meat. (6)
To add fuel to this fire, an enormous amount of toxins are generated in your body as it fights Lyme or a virus. Your body struggles to fight and detox at the same time. It will always focus on the most immediate threat to your survival and worry about detox later. You’d never clean your house if you thought there was a thief lurking outside your door, right? The toxins then build up making you more prone to food allergies and environmental sensitivities.
Remember that parasites can carry viruses and bacteria inside them, especially Lyme. So to get to these allergy sources, you have to get rid of parasites first.
Heavy Metals And Allergies?
Inorganic heavy metals are metals that your body can’t use. They accumulate in your system and start to create problems, like seasonal allergies or food sensitivities. (Amongst other issues!)
Some of the heavy metals that create problems for you are:
These heavy metals start to mess with your metabolic pathways. Neutrophils are part of your immune system and heavy metals change how well they function. (7) Nickel and cobalt, for example, can reduce your ability to kill off pathogens by 50%. (8) Not being able to keep viruses and bacteria in check can raise your chances for allergies and asthma.
Heavy metals can cause chronic symptoms that look like seasonal allergies but are actually heavy metal toxicity. You may not be able to always see particulate matter in the air, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t accumulating in your body and affecting you.
Chronic cough is the fifth most common reason people visit their doctor. It’s an annoying symptom that can drain you of energy. It may seem like your cough is from pollen, but it could very well be from heavy metals accumulating in your body. Not only can heavy metal toxicity give you a chronic low-grade cough, but it can also give you itchy eyes as well. (9) Doesn’t that look like allergies?
Heavy metals raise your IgE levels and trigger this pathway, opening you up for more and more allergic reactions. This also contributes to you having increased asthmatic symptoms as well.
Metal Allergies
You might think that your metal allergy is from metals on you, but it is from inorganic metals in you.
If you suffer from contact dermatitis, it's the true source is not the jewelry that contains the offending metals. It’s from inorganic heavy metals piling up in your tissues that are creating your problem.
You are 4 times more likely to have an allergic skin disease if you have nickel accumulation for example. (10) Your body tries to detox the heavy metals out through your skin which results in skin issues like eczema or dermatitis.
Heavy metals interfere with your cells metabolic processes. (11) Your cells are robbed of oxygen because the heavy metals activate hypoxia pathways. (low oxygen) You aren’t able to create enough ATP for cellular energy.
So are “allergies” making you tired, or are the heavy metals?
Again, this altered environment in your body generates an enormous amount of toxins and free radicals. Your drainage pathways start to get congested. Instead of efficiently detoxing, you start to reabsorb those toxins. Your body becomes more reactive and this creates food sensitivities and other allergies.
This toxic environment is horrible for you, but it’s a haven for something else -- Candida.
Candida And Allergies
Candida thrives in conditions that your cells become unhealthy in. It loves inflammation and toxins. Candida is able to absorb massive amounts of heavy metals. (12) It can GROW in heavy metal toxicity while your cells start to falter. This keeps you sick as you recirculate heavy metals and toxins over and over again.
You can never truly detox from heavy metals as an allergy source if you don’t also treat Candida infection.
Mast Cells And Candida
Remember how Lyme disease can directly trigger mast cells to release histamine? Candida can trigger your mast cells as well to make it easier for it to colonize. (13) This release of histamine will look like chronic allergic reactions when really it’s the Candida.
The release of histamine from your mast cells weakens your gut barrier. Candida also disrupts your intestinal barrier and help create what’s known as “leaky gut.” This break in your protective barrier enables Candida to spread to other parts of your body to create even more issues. They also upset your microbiome allowing the bad bacteria to take over.
This stimulation of your mast cells and Candida-induced leaky gut create a new problem.
Usually, your intestinal wall keeps out large food antigen particles. It’s like a tightly woven net. It lets through what is good and keeps out what isn’t. But the “holes” in the net get much larger from the mast cell activity and the Candida overgrowth. Then way too much gets through and increases your food sensitivities. (14)
Candida Elevates IgE
The presence of Candida prompts your IgE pathway to engage. It does this much the way parasites do as it infects the mucous membranes of your intestines. This increases your chance for issues like atopic dermatitis. (15) Here again, are you “allergic” to what is touching your skin? Or is your body overwhelmed with fighting the Candida infection and its inflammatory response?
Candida And Celiac Disease
Candida is another pathogen that can create molecular mimicry. The protein that Candida uses to attach itself to your gut wall is similar to that of gluten. Candida overgrowth can help trigger the onset of celiac disease. (16) It also changes your microbiome to let the bad microbes take more territory.
Once again, is your Celiac disease a true autoimmune allergy to gluten? Or is it an acquired food sensitivity from Candida wreaking havoc in your gut?
A Systematic Approach To Stomp Out Allergies
All these true sources of allergies are related. They all:
Create inflammation in your gut and other tissues.
Disrupt the metabolic processes of your cells.
Increase IgE levels.
Generate toxins and free radicals.
Aggravate and confuse your immune system.
The fact that they are all related and have commonality is good news. That means that if you start to take care of one area, you will inadvertently help other areas. The collective burden that these true allergy sources have will also be collectively lessened!
Take the following steps to systematically kick your allergies to the curb!
#1 Get Your Drainage Pathways Moving
It doesn’t matter where in your body toxins are generated, most of them are removed through your stools. Detox begins with drainage. If all the water pipes in your house didn’t drain away, eventually your basement would be full of toxic sewer sludge. The same is true in your body. You have to properly empty your colon at least 2 or 3 times a day.
Taking bowel moving herbs gets your intestines to engage in proper peristalsis. That way you don’t have wastes lingering in your lower GI tract. You won’t be reabsorbing toxins into your system. You’ll be creating a healthier microbiome, and eventually a healthy you!
#2 Show Some Love To Your Liver And Kidneys
The liver and kidneys are your main detox organs. They can get clogged up and start to run poorly with parasites, viruses or heavy metals. They want to serve you well but can’t if they’ve been under attack or ignored for too long.
There are a few ways you can support your liver and kidneys:
Take herbs to increase your liver and kidney function
Coffee enemas can help get your liver bile duct flowing for better detox
TUDCA helps create a healthy bile duct and helps detox
Your liver deposits all the toxins it encounters into your bile for removal in your stools. A well-flowing bile duct is crucial in getting rid of true allergy sources.
#3 Level Up your Lymphatic System
Unlike your circulatory system, your lymphatic system has no pump to push its fluids. Yet it has two times the amount of fluid. Parasites, heavy metals, and toxins can camp out in your lymphatic system -- unless you get that fluid moving!
Take herbal formulas that get your lymph circulating. Then your liver and kidneys can do the rest!
#4 Utilize Mimosa Pudica
This super seed is the ultimate multitasker. Mimosa Pudica seed is a terrific toxin eliminator. It’s benefits include:
Suffocating parasites and grabbing onto them for removal
Heavy metal removal
Toxin absorption
It provides antioxidants
Mimosa Pudica grabs onto the garbage that might be stuck in your gut and takes it out in your stools.
#5 Bind And Build With BioActive Carbons
BioActive Carbons are truly unique in how they help you fight the true sources of allergies. Different bioactive carbon compounds bind to toxins and heavy metals to help escort them out of the body. They can also bind onto chemicals like herbicides and pesticides that are poisoning your tissues.
And to top it off, they are also full of high energy molecules that help to heal the tissues that have been damaged by pathogens, heavy metals or toxins.
True Source Removal = True Health
You don’t need to let allergies call all the shots in your life anymore. Now that you know the true source of seasonal and food allergies, you can work to remove them.
Opening up your detox pathways can open up your world! You can stop hiding and start living.
What allergies are you most looking forward to being free from?
