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Poll results - what's keeping you from detox in 2025?

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in my poll!   I'm actually a little surprised by the results - I was expecting option 1 to be the winner, I guess because so many people tell me how horrified they would be to see something, and that was my biggest concern personally before I first cleansed.  

I want to put your concerns at ease - most people don't feel bad when they parasite cleanse!  Here's how you can avoid feeling like poo during a parasite cleanse...

1. Do a protocol to open drainage pathways first.

Prep the body by doing a protocol to open up drainage pathways first (drainage pathways include your colon, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin).  Parasites release heavy metals and other toxins when they die, and the release of these toxins can overtax your detox systems.  When our elimination pathways are clogged or overburdened, toxins don’t exit the way they’re supposed to and can instead get released into the bloodstream and make you sick.  These symptoms are known as “die-off” or “herxing.”

I use CellCore's Energy & Drainage protocol - it moves stagnant waste through your drainage pathways + provides energy.  It also starts to remove pathogens like viruses and candida.  Many people skip this step and are fine with the help of Oxy PowderAloe or Bowel Mover. but just wanting to give you full disclosure that parasite die off can be debilitating if you have stagnant waste built up in your detox organs.  I would definitely not recommend skipping this if you are struggling with anything chronic or don't move your bowels regularly.   

2.  Become familiar with common parasite die-off symptoms and how to manage them.

Parasites can hoard up to 8x their body weight in toxins/pathogens. That can be very overwhelming for our body to manage, even if you've done a protocol to open up your drainage pathways.  Common die-off symptoms include things like fatigue, headaches, breakouts/rashes, aches & pains, cravings and even flu-like symptoms.  You want to stock up on natural remedies for these symptoms so they're ready to go should you need them (I send these to all my clients ) and be prepared to give your body extra detox support with things like castor oil packs, Epsom salt baths and sweating in an infrared sauna.  

3.  Take a binder to soak up the toxins. 

Binders are compounds that bind and remove toxins from the body.  There are lots of binders out there but carbon technology is superior because of its strong binding ability + its ability to heal damaged cells (see my vid on common binder pro's & con's to learn why).  CellCore's Para Kit comes with a binder specific to parasite die-off byproducts.

4.  Eat an antiparasitic diet and stay hydrated.

To maximize results on a parasite cleanse, you want to make sure you are starving the parasites. This is done by eliminating foods they thrive on... like sugar, grains, processed foods, seed oils, caffeine and alcohol. You should also avoid undercooked or raw meat and fish. You want to eat as many antiparasitic foods and herbs as possible. This includes foods like pumpkin and papaya seeds, walnuts, ginger, turmeric,cinnamon, garlic, cilantro and lots of fruits and veggies. These are also immune boosting and will further aid your body in properly eliminating the toxins.

Another positive of eating this type of high fiber diet is that it's going to help ensure your bowels are moving regularly, and you want to go ideally 2-3 times a day. Since parasites release heavy metals and other toxins when they die, if you are backed up at all the toxins can get recirculated and make you sick. Also, making sure you have stools that easily exit will minimize your chances of having a hanger... which is when you go to use the restroom & you have a wormy hanging out when you're done, which can be slightly horrifying.

Feeling a little better about cleansing? Shoot me a DM to we can determine what detox, diet and lifestyle changes make most sense for you!


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