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Bob Gehm
Bob Gehm
May 16, 2023

Don't forget about heavy metal toxicity. It's possible to make the situation worse if parasites are killed off before a metal detox. The parasites eat heavy metals and contain them in their bodies.

If the parasites die in your body it can cause a massive release of metals and could be potentially deadly. Heavy metals detox first and then go after the parasites.

May 16, 2023
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Hi, thanks so much for your comment! It's actually recommended to detox parasites prior to heavy metals for a few reasons. Parasites hoard heavy metals in their biofilm & inside themselves. If you detox metals without addressing parasites first, you aren't reaching what's in the protective biofilm lair. Once you detox parasites, it's much easier to sweep the body for any looming metals. This is a vid you may find helpful -

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