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Why heavy metals should be detoxed after parasites

Heavy metals like aluminum and mercury should be detoxed after parasite cleansing for a couple of reasons.

#1 - Heavy metals suppress your immune system and keep you from fighting infections (like parasites).

#2 - Parasites are also attracted to heavy metals, and metals create an environment for parasites to thrive.

A great analogy is to think of an industrial plant that keeps dumping toxins into a stream. You may take great efforts to clean the stream (aka parasite cleansing) until you have a healthy population of fish and algae and so on, and a month or two down the line, everything is dead again because the plant continues to dump toxic gunk.

You have to stop the dumping of toxic heavy metals that suppress your immune system and foster disease. That's done through periodic detox, and eliminating common sources of heavy metal toxicity from your everyday life.

Click here to get the best heavy metal detox spray.💪


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