We're taught high cholesterol comes from diet and genetics but there are usually more underlying problems at play... like parasites and toxins.
The major culprits are
☠ Chemicals in processed food/preservatives
☠ Heavy metals - a recent study showed folks had a 56% greater chance of having higher total cholesterol if they had high levels of lead; 22% more likely to have higher cholesterol if they had high lead levels; and 73% more likely to have higher cholesterol if they had high levels of mercury.
☠ Mold - Mold releases mycotoxins that impair cholesterol metabolism. Mold exposure can put you at rick for cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
☠ Parasites - Studies have shown that patients with parasitic infections have elevated cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is synthesized in the liver which is where parasites like to hang out.
If you're struggling to manage your high cholesterol, you may need to detox from some of these pathogens and toxins to really get results.
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