My clients are way too familiar with this. By the time they get to me they've bounced around from doctor to doctor with minimal relief for their original symptoms but with scripts that have a laundry list of side effects. Sometimes something as easy as detoxing from parasites, mold or heavy metals is all you need to reset your health along with some coaching on how to avoid those going forward. @annshippymd's always bringing it with the graphics!
#heavymetaldetox #heavymetaltoxicity#heavymetals#weightloss#loseweightnaturally#aluminumtoxicity#mercurytoxicity#hormonesupport#naturalweightloss#chelators#binders#zeolite#bioactivecarbon#balancehormonesnaturally#loseweightjourney#heavymetaldetox#disinformationdozen#fungus#aluminum#mercury#thimerosal#cellcore#herdimmunity#herbicides#crunchymama#pesticides#candida#losebellyfat#glophosate#yeastinfestion#parasites #parasitedetox #parasitecleanse
